This glazing calculator has been developed to assist you in identifying the appropriate glass to use based on HUMAN IMPACT SAFETY GLAZING NZS 4223.3:2016 effective from 30 May 2017. You can download a free copy of the Standard here. For instructions on how to place a shortcut to this website on your mobile phone or tablet home screen, see instructions at the bottom of this page.
Window & Glass Association safety glazing calculator (NZS 4223), will allow
you to make clear and concise decisions of which glazing options to use.
Window & Glass Association safety glazing calculator (NZS 4223), will allow you to make clear and concise decisions of which glazing options to use.
3 mm annealed – 0.1 sq m
4 mm annealed – 0.3 sq m
5 mm annealed and thicker – 0.5 sq m
5 mm Tough minimum. Refer NZS 4223.1:2016 Appendix D for thickness
6 mm Tough minimum. Refer NZS 4223.1:2016 Appendix D for thickness
Acceptable if a flat panel of same type and thickness complies with NZS 4223.3:2016
Approved fire protection safety glass as required. Grade B wired safety glass may be used to maximum areas in NZS 4223.3:2016 Table 1 provided it meets fire performance requirements.
As required by NZS 4223.3:2016. Grade B safety glass, such as wired glass, to maximum area in Table 1 provided it meets the fire performance requirements
Comply with NZS 4223.3:2016 in all possible operable positions
Doors using pivots or hinges
6 mm Tough minimum. Refer NZS 4223.1:2016 Appendix D for thickness
10 mm Tough safety glass minimum subject to height and wind load
Pane is > 1000 mm high AND > 500 mm wide AND without compliant manifestation. This is capable of being mistaken for an unimpeded path of travel
Pane is < 1000 mm high, OR < 500 mm wide, OR has compliant manifestation. This is not capable of being mistaken for an unimpeded path of travel
Float glass
Within 1000 mm of FFL for housing or 1100 mm for all other buildings, and safeguards a fall of 1000 mm or more
Fall < 1000 mm
Safeguards a fall of 1000 mm or more
Fall < 1000 mm
Fully framed
Partly framed
Fully framed
Partly framed
Safeguards a fall of 1000 mm or more
Fall < 1000 mm
Fully framed
Partly framed
One or two opposite edges unframed
Two or more adjacent edges unframed
Glazing is not considered a side panel. Check low level glazing.
Single glazing
Safeguards a fall of 1000 mm or more
Fall < 1000 mm
Fully framed
Partly framed
Safeguards a fall of 1000 mm or more below window seat
Fall < 1000 mm
Fully framed
Partly framed
Fully framed
Partly framed
Minimum 8 mm Tough safety glass subject to height
Safeguards a fall of 1000 mm or more
Falls < 1000 mm
Fully backed and completely adhered to solid material - refer section 17
Not fully backed or adhered
Fully framed
Partly framed with unframed side edges
Fully framed
Partly framed
Fully framed
Partly framed
One or two opposite edges unframed
Two or more adjacent edges unframed
Refer NZS 4223.3:2016 Parts 1 and 4
Fully framed
Partly framed
Fully Framed
Partly Framed
0.75 Sq m maximum
> 0.75 Sq m
0.5 Sq m maximum
> 0.5 Sq m
Glazing in accordance with NZS 4223.3 except:
Fully framed
Partly framed
Single glazing
0.75 m2 or less
> 0.75 m2
0.5 m2 maximum
> 0.5 m2
With unframed side edges, without exposed edges
With unframed side edges and exposed edges
Specific Design
Tough or Lam safety glass to NZS 4223.3:2016 Table 1 except that 4 mm organic backed safety mirror may be used for fully framed door up to 2 Sq m maximum
Glazing within 800 mm of the floor, ground or deck
Tough or lam safety glass to NZS 4223.3:2016 Table 1
Two or more edges supported
Tough or Lam safety glass to specific design
Unframed panels and doors using pivot or hinges
6 mm Tough safety glass minimum. Refer NZS 4223.1:2016 Appendix D for thickness
Internal use
External use
On your android phone or tablet while in the Chrome browser (viewing this page), click on the 3 dots in the top right corner (settings) and select ‘Add to Home screen’ – This will create a Safety Glass Calculator shortcut icon on your devices homescreen.
On your iPhone or iPad while in the Chrome or Safari browser (viewing this page), click on the Share icon at the bottom of the browser and select ‘Add to Home screen’ – This will create a Safety Glass Calculator shortcut icon on your devices homescreen.