June 12, 2019
CEO Updates
We support the NZQA recognised training of staff, but employers have a choice whether they train staff through NZQA recognised industry training programmes, such as those offered by BCITO, or simply allow them to gain skills informally on-the-job.
Having workers with high trade skills and knowledge flows through to increased revenues, reduced rework and wastage costs, and therefore higher profits. Industry training can both raise the level of a staff member’s skills and knowledge as well as accelerating the rate at which proficiency is gained.
The BCITO has worked with the Association and others in the National Advisory Groups to develop a return on investment tool for training in your business. You’ll get your ROI result as soon as you complete the tool along with an industry ROI average result. You’ll also get an email with the dollar value so you have the information, can look at more info on the tool and contact the BCITO.
Take a couple of minutes now to complete the tool and get your results:
Training investment tool for Glass & Glazing
Training investment tool for Architectural Aluminium Joinery.