The age of new
Last week I attended the Australian Window Association conference. I’m not going to talk about any of the technical sessions, but rather share some commentary from Andrew Griffiths. I’d never heard of him – apparently he’s written a lot of books about growing your business etc. His session was titled “The 7 key strategies for business success in 2020.” He didn’t share anything new (which is funny given what I’m about to say) but I was interested in his thoughts on marketing to baby boomers vs millennials (and newism).
Newism means that being in business for 10 or 30 years isn’t an advantage – it’s a disadvantage. Millennials are more likely to choose to do business with a new company than one that has been around for years (and seen as stale). Interestingly this even applies to brain surgeons – they would choose the surgeon just out of school (seen as more likely to be up to date) rather than someone with years of experience.
Take some time to think about this and how you are promoting yourself and your business – are you inadvertently turning off potential customers? How relevant/current are you seen? I’m certainly thinking about it for our Association.
Ngā Mihi – Regards